Friday, March 2, 2007

Roastin' Birds

Now, I am the woman who made thanksgiving in under an hour an a half. So tonight, I am roasting a chicken. Monday you shall have that adventure as well as my ideas of other meals to create with the left overs.

This afternoon I have to find twine. One would think the grocery store would have it, but alas... no.
Last night I baked cookies after getting sushi and having a beer. They were good, but I think I expected too much from an Bon Appetite. I added walnuts and they did not detract nor add to the cookies. I still think the best cookies I ever made were the chocolate white chocolate chip and almond ones. I didn't have Vanilla so i used smoothie mix and I didn't have white sugar so I used brown and I also used Axtec Cocoa so they were spicy.

Ok this was just an update so everyone knows what I going on. I'll post picks and the recipe for the cookies tonight!

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